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Gathering & Welcome

The Collect

O God, your Son Jesus Christ has left to us this meal of bread and wine in which we share his body and his blood. May we who celebrate this sign of his great love show in our lives the fruits of his redemption; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Gathering Hymn  

Behold Him    

Verse 1
He who was before there was light
Walked across the pages of time
He who made every living thing
Behold Him
He who heard humanity's cry
Left His throne to wake as a child
He became like the least of us
Behold Him

Chorus 1
Jesus Son of God Messiah
The Lamb the roaring Lion
Oh be still and behold Him

Verse 2
He who dined with sinners and saints
Healed the blind the lost and the lame
Even now He is in our midst
Behold Him
He who chose a criminal's end
Paid with blood to settle our debt
Buried death as He rose to life
Behold Him

Chorus 2
Jesus Son of God Messiah
The Lamb the roaring Lion
Oh be still and behold Him
Jesus Alpha and Omega
Our God the risen Savior
Oh be still and behold Him

Holy holy holy
Is the Lord God Almighty
Worthy worthy worthy, 
To receive all praise (REPEAT)

Chorus 2
Jesus Son of God Messiah
The Lamb the roaring Lion
Oh be still and behold Him
Jesus Alpha and Omega
Our God the risen Savior
Oh be still and behold Him

Liturgy of the Word 

The First Reading: Exodus 12:1-14

The Passover
12 The Lord said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, 2 “This month shall be for you the beginning of months. It shall be the first month of the year for you. 3 Tell all the congregation of Israel that on the tenth day of this month every man shall take a lamb according to their fathers' houses, a lamb for a household. 4 And if the household is too small for a lamb, then he and his nearest neighbour shall take according to the number of persons; according to what each can eat you shall make your count for the lamb. 5 Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male a year old. You may take it from the sheep or from the goats, 6 and you shall keep it until the fourteenth day of this month, when the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill their lambs at twilight.

7 “Then they shall take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and the lintel of the houses in which they eat it. 8 They shall eat the flesh that night, roasted on the fire; with unleavened bread and bitter herbs they shall eat it. 9 Do not eat any of it raw or boiled in water, but roasted, its head with its legs and its inner parts. 10 And you shall let none of it remain until the morning; anything that remains until the morning you shall burn. 11 In this manner you shall eat it: with your belt fastened, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand. And you shall eat it in haste. It is the Lord's Passover. 12 For I will pass through the land of Egypt that night, and I will strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and on all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments: I am the Lord. 13 The blood shall be a sign for you, on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and no plague will befall you to destroy you, when I strike the land of Egypt.

14 “This day shall be for you a memorial day, and you shall keep it as a feast to the Lord; throughout your generations, as a statute forever, you shall keep it as a feast.

This is the word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

The Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26

23 For I received from the Lord what I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread, 24 and when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said, “This is my body, which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” 25 In the same way also he took the cup, after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.” 26 For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes.

This is the word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

Gospel Hymn  

The Goodness of Jesus

Verse 1
Come you weary heart now to Jesus
Come you anxious soul now and see
There is perfect love and comfort in your tears
Rest here in His wondrous peace

Oh the goodness the goodness of Jesus
Satisfied he is all that I need
May it be come what may that I rest all my days
In the goodness of Jesus

Verse 2
Come find what this world cannot offer
Come and find your joy here complete
Taste the living water never thirst again
Rest here in His wondrous peace

Oh the goodness the goodness of Jesus
Satisfied he is all that I need
May it be come what may that I rest all my days
In the goodness of Jesus

Verse 3
Come and find your hope now in Jesus
He is all he said he would be
Grace is overflowing from the Saviour’s heart
Rest here in His wondrous peace

Oh the goodness the goodness of Jesus
Satisfied he is all that I need
May it be come what may that I rest all my days
In the goodness of Jesus

The Gospel     John 13:1-17, 31-35

The Lord be with you. 
And with thy Spirit. 
The Holy Gospel Of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to JOHN
Glory to you, Lord Jesus Christ

Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet
13 Now before the Feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart out of this world to the Father, having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end. 2 During supper, when the devil had already put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray him, 3 Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he had come from God and was going back to God, 4 rose from supper. He laid aside his outer garments, and taking a towel, tied it around his waist. 5 Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet and to wipe them with the towel that was wrapped around him. 6 He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, “Lord, do you wash my feet?” 7 Jesus answered him, “What I am doing you do not understand now, but afterward you will understand.” 8 Peter said to him, “You shall never wash my feet.” Jesus answered him, “If I do not wash you, you have no share with me.” 9 Simon Peter said to him, “Lord, not my feet only but also my hands and my head!” 10 Jesus said to him, “The one who has bathed does not need to wash, except for his feet, but is completely clean. And you are clean, but not every one of you.” 11 For he knew who was to betray him; that was why he said, “Not all of you are clean.”

12 When he had washed their feet and put on his outer garments and resumed his place, he said to them, “Do you understand what I have done to you? 13 You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am. 14 If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. 15 For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you. 16 Truly, truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. 17 If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.

A New Commandment
31 …“Now is the Son of Man glorified, and God is glorified in him. 32 If God is glorified in him, God will also glorify him in himself, and glorify him at once. 33 Little children, yet a little while I am with you. You will seek me, and just as I said to the Jews, so now I also say to you, ‘Where I am going you cannot come.’ 34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. 35 By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

The Gospel of Christ. 
Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.

Sermon: Rev. Seth Enriquez

Reflective Hymn    


Praise the One who has saved me from death
He is God He is good
He is Jesus
He is God He is good
He is Jesus

Yeshua I love You
Yeshua I love You


The Confession

Most merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbours as ourselves. We are truly sorry and we humbly repent. For the sake of your Son Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and forgive us, that we may delight in your will, and walk in your ways, to the glory of your name. Amen.

The Priest prays the Absolution

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Father, we spread this table to remember the loving sacrifice of Jesus Christ, your Son. Accept all we offer you this day. Bind us together in his love and in the love he has commanded us  to bring one another; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Eucharistic Prayer 

The Lord be with you.
And also with you.

Lift up your hearts.
We lift them to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.

…Therefore with angels and archangels
we raise our voices in joyful praise
to proclaim the glory of your name.

Holy, holy, Lord,
God of power and might,
Heaven and earth are full, full of your glory.
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna, 
hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is he who comes
who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna, 
hosanna in the highest.

…Therefore, Father, according to his command,
we remember his death,
we proclaim his resurrection
we await his coming in glory

…by whom, and with whom, and in whom,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
all honour and glory are yours, almighty Father,
now and for ever. Amen.

The Lord’s Prayer                        

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

The Breaking of the Bread

We break this bread,
Communion in Christ’s body once broken.

Let your Church be the wheat
which bears its fruit in dying.

If we have died with him,
we shall live with him;
if we hold firm,
we shall reign with him.

Invitation to the Lord’s Table

The Gifts of God for the People of God
Thanks be to God

Communion Hymn      

Drive Out The Darkness

Come O come be our light
Drive out the darkness
Come Jesus come

Verse 1
Ev'ry year under the thorn
Ev'ry wrong that we have known
Ev'ry valley will be raised
The ancient ruins will be remade

Verse 2
Ev'ry weapon made for war
Ev'ry gun and ev'ry sword
Will be melted in the flame
To be used for gardening

Verse 3
In the emptiness of grief
Through the night of suffering
Ev'ry loss and in the tears
God our comfort O be near

Come O come be our light
Drive out the darkness
Come and end all the violence
Come and do not be silent
Come we cling to Your promise
Come You'll break all injustice
Come Jesus come

Prayer after Communion 

Holy God, source of all love, on the night of his betrayal Jesus gave his disciples a new commandment, to love one another as he loved them. Write this commandment in our hearts; give us the will to serve others as he was the servant of all, who gave his life and died for us, yet is alive and reigns with you  and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

The Stripping of High Altar

The Priest and assistants solemnly remove all elements from the altar in silence, leaving the altar bare during the gospel reading.

Matthew 26:30-46 

31 Then Jesus told them, ‘This very night you will all fall away on account of me, for it is written:

‘“I will strike the shepherd,
and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.”

32 But after I have risen, I will go ahead of you into Galilee.’

33 Peter replied, ‘Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will.’

34 ‘Truly I tell you,’ Jesus answered, ‘this very night, before the cock crows, you will disown me three times.’

35 But Peter declared, ‘Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you.’ And all the other disciples said the same.

36 Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, ‘Sit here while I go over there and pray.’ 37 He took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee along with him, and he began to be sorrowful and troubled. 38 Then he said to them, ‘My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.’

39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, ‘My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.’

40 Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. ‘Couldn’t you men keep watch with me for one hour?’ he asked Peter. 41 ‘Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.’

42 He went away a second time and prayed, ‘My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done.’

43 When he came back, he again found them sleeping, because their eyes were heavy. 44 So he left them and went away once more and prayed the third time, saying the same thing.

45 Then he returned to the disciples and said to them, ‘Are you still sleeping and resting? Look, the hour has come, and the Son of Man is delivered into the hands of sinners. 46 Rise! Let us go! Here comes my betrayer!’

The following hymn is sung after the gospel reading, during the stripping of the altar. If the altar is bare before the reading ends, the church sings this hymn together.

Final Hymn        

Now and at the Hour

O spirit of God
Speak your peace
Speak your peace
Now and at the hour of our death
Amen, amen
Now and at the hour of our death
Amen, amen

Oh merciful God
Forgive us, forgive us
Oh merciful God
Forgive us, forgive us
For all the things
We have done and left undone
For all the things
We have done and left undone

Oh son of God
Rescue us, rescue us
Oh son of God
Rescue us, rescue us
Now and at the hour of our death
Amen, amen
Now and at the hour of our death

The Closing of the Service

The congregation may stay for silent prayer and then invited to leave in solemn silence.