Pew bibles are back!

St George's will now have ESV Bibles in our pews to read along with our scripture readers each Sunday. We will migrate from printing full readings in our paper bulletins since they will be avaialble in our physical bibles in church. This will helps us in two important ways:

  1. Stewardship - This will help us steward our finances long term by reducing our printing costs per bulletin each Sunday, as well as stewarding the earth by lessing the amount of paper we use.
  2. Discipleship - Our pew bibles will strengthen our familiarity with God's word by using physical bibles together. 

We have invested in an order of Large Print bibles, and we have received a donation of used regular print bibles from The Cairn Baptist Church in Canmore (thank you!). If you would like to contribute to purchasing more Large Print Bibles as well as Giant Print Bibles for our use, you can donate via cheque or online to our bible efforts (simply make a note that you are giving to 'Pew Bibles'). 

Thank you St George's family! If you have any questions or concerns, please do email Rev Seth at

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