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Trinitytide: A Journey of Exploration and Open-mindedness

Join us for Trinitytide, a season of deep biblical exploration where we delve into the most challenging passages and stories in the Bible. It's a time to approach these difficult verses and narratives with an open mind by being and being willing to doubt our doubts in honesty and good faith. Everyone is welcome to participate!

What to anticipate:
  • Gather at 10am, and pick up your bulletin, which will guide you through our thought-provoking discussions and activities.
  • Engage in meaningful discussions, listen to thought-provoking readings, and worship through songs and prayers as we tackle the most demanding aspects of the Bible.
  • Stick around for fellowship and coffee hour, where connections grow stronger through shared experiences, and friendships are fortified by love and faith.

Join us on this enriching journey during Trinitytide, as we seek to deepen our understanding of scripture and grow together in our faith.