Christ The King SundaySunday, November 26 Christians through the ages have proclaimed Jesus as the true King of the World. What does that mean to us living in the modern age? Come over this Sunday to discover how the true hope of this world and our lives is found in Jesus, the true and humble King of the Ages. Join us for Holy Communion at 10am and then coffee right after!
Readings: Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24 ( read now ) Psalm 100 ( read now ) Ephesians 1:15-23 ( read now ) Matthew 25:31-46 ( read now )
Hymns: Rock of Ages ( Listen Now ) ( Lead sheet ) King of My Heart ( Listen Now ) ( Lead sheet ) In Tenderness ( Listen Now ) ( Lead sheet ) He Comes ( Listen Now ) ( Lead sheet )
To keep up to date with the new songs we're singing this year, listen to them on our church worship playlist here.
For more infomation visit:
Christmas at St George'sJoin us for the highlight of your festive season! There's something for everyone to get you into the Christmas spirit. For more infomation visit:
Volunteers Needed!Join us at Banff Food and Friends Join us at Banff Food & Friends for a delicious meal every Monday from 5pm - 7pm! Volunteer with us! Food and Friends is always in need of volunteers to happen each Monday. Consider signing up to one of our volunteer shifts and help us continue to servce our Banff Community! [Volunteer Signup Link]
For more infomation visit: https://www.stgeorgesinthepines.com/pages/banff-food-friends
New Pew Bibles!
Pew bibles are back!St George's will now have ESV Bibles in our pews to read along with our scripture readers each Sunday. We will migrate from printing full readings in our paper bulletins since they will be avaialble in our physical bibles in church. This will helps us in two important ways ... For more infomation visit:
Banff Community Advent ServiceJoin us Sunday, December 3 at 6pm Every year a church is chosen to host the Annual Banff Community Advent Service. This year it will be St George in the Pines Anglican Church! This is a wonderful time where we gather with our sisters and brothers in Christ from different churches to prepare our hearts for the birth of our Lord Jesus! So come over Sunday 3 December at 6pm for an evening of friendship, carols, and hot chocolate after service! If you'd like to help our hosting efforts by contributing treats to share with the community after the service, please email Rev Seth at seth@stgeorgesinthepines.com or simply reply to this email.
For more infomation visit: https://stgeorgesinthepines.com/events/banff-community-advent-service/2023-12-03
Advent Songs PlaylistListen to the songs we'll be singing this Advent Season! Let's make sure to prepare our hearts for the birth of Jesus by singing together this Advent. Below are two playlists of the songs we'll be singing this Advent for you to enjoy and to familiarize yourself with upcoming hymns we'll be singing together. Each weekly newsletter will also contain sheet music for each new song (as available) to help you sing along with us at Sunday service.
WHAT WE'RE READING, LISTENING TO, AND WATCHINGEdifying content that has deeply informed our work this season - How Awe Transforms Us is an engaging interview with Psychologist Dacher Keltner as shares the science behind the mysterious, powerful emotion of awe which can boost our well-being and potentially influence psychological traits such as openness and resilience. - Can a Historian Believe in the Resurrection? is an engaging interview with Professor Molly Worthen on her journey from skeptic to recent convert to the Christian faith. Definitely listen! - .001% Possibility of Love is a beautiful reflection by artist Makoto Fujimura on love and how its reality, however small, leads us back to God. - Agnostic poet, Paul Kingsnorth, reluctantly becomes Christian is a compelling interview with celebrated author Paul Kingsnorth about his recent conversion to Orthodox Christianity via Buddhism and Wicca. They talk about his concerns at the direction of the environmental movement, his love of the 'wild saints' and why AI may just be the antichrist. - Confronting Christianity : 12 Hard Questions for the World's Largest Religion by Rebecca McLaughlin explores 12 questions that keep many of us from considering faith in Christ. Look more closely, she argues, and the reality of suffering, the desire for diversity, the success of science, and other seeming roadblocks to faith become signposts. Jesus becomes not a relic from the ancient world, but our modern world’s best hope. - Presence in the Modern World by Jacques Ellul addresses questions like: how should we respond toward such complex forces as technology or the state? How can we communicate with one another, despite the problems inherent in modern forms of media? Do we have hope for the future of our civilization? Ellul responds by describing how a Christian's unique presence in the world can make a difference.
The Good News About JudgementSunday, November 19, 2023 One day Jesus will speak for those who've been oppressed and forgotten, those who oppressed others and thought they got away with it, and will heal the hurt we've endured and visited on others with mercy and grace. For more infomation visit: https://stgeorgesinthepines.com/media/2023-11-19-the-good-news-about-judgement
Bible Study is back on!Come over Tuesday 28 November Bible Study is back on, Tuesdays from 28 November at 4:30pm Join us at the Rectory (406 Buffalo Street) for a time of reading God's word, sharing questions and ideas, and growing together in friendship! For more infomation visit: https://stgeorgesinthepines.com/events/bible-study/2023-10-03
Music @ The Juniper
Need Prayer?
We're here for you. If you need prayer and support, always feel free to reach out to us. You can click the button below to submit a prayer request or simply reply to this email.
Diocesan Newsletter
The Diocese of Calgary sends out a e-newsletter every two weeks. To view their most recent newsletter click the button below. For more infomation visit:
Giving financially is just one way of expressing generosity. If you’re struggling financially or in debt, we encourage you to express generosity in a non-financial way by serving on the Sunday Readers team, praying for the Church, or being generous with your time towards others. Curious? Explore our Spirituality of Giving For more infomation visit: