A critical next step

The Bridge House is a transitional housing program established through a partnership between the YWCA Banff and St. George's.

A lack of suitable housing as well as rising rents in the Bow Valley present significant barriers for victims of violence looking to rebuild their lives after leaving crisis shelter.

Without transitional housing options, victims often reluctantly return to abusive environments in lieu of accessing suitable facilities and supports in other cities or towns far from home. The Bridge House facilitates a safe and supportive environment for women and their children seeking a fresh start and a path to independence in their own community. 

The program consists of two living spaces for victims of violence, with dedicated services to assist families with permanent housing, economic, independence and appropriate community connections. To protect the privacy and dignity of those accessing the program, the exact location of the house will remain confidential.

The Bow Valley spans from Kananaskis Village to Lake Louise - an area where over 30,000 permanent and non-permanent residents reside. 

Prior to the Bridge House, the Bow Valley Women's Emergency Shelter housed the region's only dedicated space for women and their children fleeing violence. The need for additional resources to adequately support victims in our communities was crucial

The Bridge House will accommodate up to two families in its secure units, for up to 12 months. The program is designed for vulnerable Bow Valley women and their children who are prepared to exit crisis shelter into a stable, independent-living arrangement inclusive of ongoing support services to help get them back on their feet. 

Bridge House is a critical step towards having accessible services that adequately meet the needs of Bow Valley women seeking refuge from violent, destructive situations.

How you can help

Additional funds are needed to continue providing support services to victims, to cover leasing costs, and for ongoing maintenance to the facility. Your generous donation will help Bow Valley women and their children rebuild the secure life of dignity that they deserve.

Please use the form above to make your donation today.


For questions, or to discuss a contribution that works for you,

please contact Rev. Howard Thornton:

[email protected]

403 762 2128

Who we serve