Sometimes in our minds God is small and little - and not capable of being the all-powerful and all-consuming God he truly is!

Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! Psalm 8.9

This verse gives us a glimpse of His power. God’s name alone (not him - just his name) is so powerful that it fills the earth! Every corner of the earth is filled with the name of the Lord.

Look at the sky and the clouds, the sun, and the moon. Look at the mountains, the trees, a flower, the ocean, or the face of another person. God’s name is written all over them.

Creation is a reflection of God’s power. The beauty and strength of his creation point to his beauty and his strength.

The power to create is all God’s. The power to hold it all together is God’s. He is not small or little. He is majestic! And we belong to God - he is also our creator. All praise should go to him and him alone.

So I encourage you to talk to God. One of the easiest ways to talk with God is by reading Scripture. We read it with agreement and conviction. Pray all of Psalm 8. Read it aloud and pause after each verse to soak in its powerful truth. As you do this, let me know how it goes! I would love to hear God’s work in your life. 

In Christ,
Rev. Seth